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Colorful tretford® Roll Carpet
Colorful tretford® Roll Carpet


premium cashmere goat wool rugs, carpet, & tiles

Contract Grade | Colorful | Minimalist

Goat Wool Flooring From Germany

Create a healthy and vibrant living or work environment with tretford® carpet, a durable and stylish flooring choice made from natural goat hair.

tretford® Roll
tretford® Roll
Interlife Tiles by tretford®
Interlife Tiles by tretford®
  • Natural Materials + Premium Quality

  • Goat Wool

    High-quality Cashmere goat hair is durable and natural with inherent stain-resistance

  • Purifies Indoor Air

    Wool neutralizes pollutants, inhibits mold and bacteria growth, and repels dust mites

  • Colorful Palette

    tretford® offers a dazzling array of hues, from multidimensional neutrals to vibrant, complex colors

  • Durable

    the tretford® rib is a unique construction that is stylish, hard wearing, and won't unravel

A Bond With Nature

Interacting gently and responsibly with our natural resources is firmly anchored in tretford®'s business philosophy. A member of the Sustainable Fibre Alliance (SFA) and participant with EcoProfit, tretford® has been making ethically manufactured carpets in Germany for decades.

tretford® aims to create products made exclusively of natural or recycled materials, and actively participates in socially and environmentally responsible initiatives across their supply chain. Available in muted or vibrant hues achieved by AZO-free dyes, tretford®'s unique ribbed construction makes durable, stylish foundations.

tretford | Image of a Goat
tretford | Image of a Goat

Statement-making Made Simple

tretford® carpet offers fabulous clean lines and a color palette that takes note of global trends, giving designers and customers the freedom of colorful choices and sleek styling.


tretford® offers multiple ways to customize a design—a spectrum of colors to choose from, tiles to create patterns or shapes, or special order a unique design for an area rug or a wall-to-wall installation.

tretford | Custom Flooring
tretford | Custom Flooring

No Border Needed

The “tretford® rib” is a unique cord construction that allows their carpet to be cleanly cut without fraying. A minimalist, clean finish for rugs and runners.

Cut Edge on tretford goat wool carpet
Cut Edge on tretford goat wool carpet

For more than 60 years, tretford® carpet has created hardwearing, colorful flooring, using renewable and durable Cashmere goat hair. Their product line includes broadloom carpet, carpet tiles, and wallcovering. tretford®’s patented manufacturing process creates products that are free from chemicals and toxins, and have the unique “tretford® rib”. The “tretford® rib”—a unique rib or cord construction that allows their carpet to be cleanly cut without fraying—has a minimalist flair that many designers and architects love.

tretford® was founded originally in the Netherlands in post-war 1950s. Over time, production of tretford® moved to Ireland and then Germany, where high environmental and social standards are in place. A commitment to sourcing sustainable materials is evident across all tretford®’s product lines, from the renewable goat hair that forms the basis of the durable ribbed construction to the recycled polyester fleece backing on carpet tiles.

Cashmere goat hair is the robust top hair from a Cashmere highland goat. Larger than domestic goats, Cashmere goats live on Asia’s high plateaus, in Inner and Outer Mongolia, and endure extreme temperatures. The top goat hair is combed and sorted by hand. It is hardwearing and coated in a natural fat that acts as a dirt repellant, making tretford® products easy to maintain. Cashmere goat hair also dyes beautifully, as displayed in tretford®’s radiant color collection.

The benefits of tretford® carpet are numerous, including:

  • Environmentally and socially conscientious sourcing of materials

  • Goat hair fiber helps filter and improve indoor air quality by trapping dust and moisture, adds insulation, and absorbs sound 

  • The ribbed cord structure is durable while being comfortable and visually appealing

  • tretford® products are rated for residential and heavy contract use alike

  • A variety of colors are available, from muted neutrals to vibrant hues

  • The ribbed construction allows a clean edge cut, giving rugs and runners a minimalist finish

  • From custom designed rugs to versatile carpet tiles, creating a unique design is within reach with tretford® products

  • Easy to clean and maintain, tretford® roll and tiles are a smart investment

For more than 50 years, tretford® has been committed to the responsible use of natural resources and sustainable practices. tretford® accomplishes this by:

  • Utilizing renewable resources in its products: goat hair, wool, jute, and natural latex are all renewable

  • The polyester fleece backing used on carpet tiles consists of at least 80% recycled fibers

  • Following guidance from EcoProfit, a group that promotes sustainable management, tretford® has reduced energy consumption (and thus CO2) by adopting new packaging and printing practices

  • Membership in the Sustainable Fibre Alliance (SFA) provides a globally-focused and locally active framework for sustainably and ethically sourcing Cashmere goat hair across their supply chain

  • Researching and implementing processes for taking back a product once its useful life has expired

  • Dyeing their goat fibers at an independent dyeing plant that uses AZO-free dyes and an organic water treatment system

  • Adopting wind and/or solar energy to power their warehouse

Installation guidelines are provided with tretford® products and are found under the Installation tab on the product page. We share information on how to install tretford® roll in a wall-to-wall installation or how to lay Interlife carpet tile. To achieve the highest standards and a beautiful installation with tretford® products, we recommend hiring a professional installer for your project.

Thankfully, tretford®’s production process and use of premium quality goat hair create a flooring product that is easy to maintain and clean. We provide care and cleaning guidelines that are available under the Care tab on each product page. Further, tretford® offers quick videos to help you clean and maintain your flooring on their website: Installation & Care Tips from tretford®.